I just thought i would finally post my slide show of Jackson. I hope everybody is doing great. I miss waiting for Jackson to get here, those were happy times, I thought everything would be fine. I loved doing my little blog. I know some of yall would love to know what we're doing now, as well as how we're doing. Well It's alot harder then i thought it would be to tell the truth. I mean the first week after Jackson was gone it was so terribly hard, but i was still in shock and didn't really realize that we would never see Jackson again. Now that it's sunk in and I'm in reality it's very difficult. I'm ok i suppose but still in need of lots of prayers. Today has been one of those really hard days and I can't seem to make myself see that it's going to be ok. I know this day will end and tomorrow will probably be better, but just because i have to make it better. Today was one of those days were i didn't want to hide my pain, or make it better, or even feel good. Sometimes you just have to have those days. I am not the same person that i was before and never will be, I hope to become a better person because of this. Rob is doing pretty good. He's still at the same job and we're still happy has ever. I tell him all the time that if i didn't have the happiness between us that i wouldn't have been able to make it through the loss of Jackson. I have truly found my soul mate. Thank you all for being a part of our life's. p.s. Ty is doing wonderful too!