Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fast update


Well I haven't posted in a long time so i figured it was time. I have been contracting for a week now and am dilated to a 1. I was so surprised to find out that i was dilated at all... i mean it was six weeks before my real due date. They gave me a shot and my contractions have been controlled for the most part. I'm so big now and i just can't sleep, but Monday I'll have 4 weeks until Jackson gets here, so i guess that's just what comes with it. My doctor was going to keep me in Ft. Worth for the remainder of the time but i looked so good and the contractions aren't dilating me anymore that he let me come home. I just have to take it easy. I go back to the doctor Thursday. We still need all the prayers we can get so please keep praying! I am getting sooooo nervous.



  1. Oh wow! Many prayers that the little guy stays put for a while!! Take it easy and hang in there! I know how stressful it can be. We will be praying for you guys!

  2. I'm praying!! If you need anything, let me know.
