Thursday, July 9, 2009


I'm in Ft. Worth until the baby gets here. Really i'm in Irving with Janet and Jackie. We really appreciate them and don't know what we would do without there help. I went to the doctor today thinking he was just going to send me home. That was not the case at all. I was contracting the whole time i was at the doctor, which these days is very normal for me. They didn't like it though. So they checked me and wow I was over 50% thinned and dilated to a 2. He wasn't so much worried about me being dilated because i've been dilated for a month, but not thinned. My doctor said most women are in labor by this point. So i have to stay close by. We also have some really bad news on the baby that later tonight I will update everyone on. I was very shocked and upset by all of it. I still believe that Jackson is going to make it. God will heal him and I really believe that. Sorry not enough time to write more, will be back on here in a few hours........please pray for baby jackson and us.

Love Candice


  1. Many prayers for baby Jackson! Remember that the docs are not always right. They had Maxton diagnosed with some things he ended up not having. We will be praying and I cannot wait to hear about the little guy! Praying for you all too.


  2. Wishing you all the best during this crazy time!
    Ashley's right...the drs. can only make guesses prenatally, the babies are the ones who really run the show once they are here!
    Good luck,
    Hugs and prayers,
